


We meet on the first Wednesday of each month at St Mary's (Panteg) Church Hall, New Inn, Pontypool NP4 OPH at 7pm.

Our membership is run on a yearly basis.

Subscriptions are due in the March of each year.

Pro rata reductions are available throughout the year
Membership Subscriptions for 2024/25
Full Member £25.00
Monthly Demonstrations:  
Members £3.50 (soon to be £4.00)
Visitors £8.00
Includes refreshments.
Following refreshments (tea, coffee and biscuits),  each meeting begins with announcements and any business
Most months  we have either  a flower arranging demonstration by a NAFAS (National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies) demonstrator or a speaker.  We strive to maintain a very high standard of demonstrations and talks  so that our members and visitors are seeing the best that flower arrangers and speakers have to offer. 
* Our AGM is always held on the 1st Wednesday of March followed by club competitions on a given theme.

* Flower Arranger Magazine - if anyone would like to order the Flower Arranger magazine the current annual cost to members is £15.00  and can be ordered in November by contacing Sandra Price.

* The Committee elected at this AGM meet 6 times a year and nominations for posts should be submitted 2 weeks before the date of the AGM.


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